Final Year Engineering Projects

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Get affordable computer based engineering projects. Here you'll find a growing collection of rich final year projects, among which you can select the one which you prefer.We mainly provide students final year projects. The intention of the site is to provide the Indian Engineering and other graduation students, the best practical projects where they can learn and experience the technology in hand.

Here are some of of our popular PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM projects of various section.Please select the section you want to go through.

Project Name Language Cost(INR) Actions
A Secure Protocol for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Creation JAVA 7000
Dynamic Resource Allocation using Virtual Machines for Cloud Computing Environment JAVA 7000
Distributed Protocol to Serve Dynamic Groups for Peer-to-Peer Streaming JAVA 7000
Correlation-Based Traffic Analysis Attacks on Anonymity Networks JAVA 7000
Cooperative Caching in Wireless P2PNetworks Design JAVA 7000

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